HERE IS OUR BRAND NEW 2013-2015 ANNUAL CATALOG which just started TODAY.
Download it HERE and browse to your heart's content - then CLICK HERE to submit your order through my store.
As always, during the month of June to celebrate the NEW CATALOG, your first $50 order earns a FREE GIFT FROM ME PERSONALLY and a hand-crafted thank you card made by ME.
The free gift is my way of saying THANK YOU for choosing me as your demonstrator and for placing an order during the first month of the NEW CATALOG.
ON A PERSONAL NOTE: We have moved into our new country home and are absolutely loving it. So very peaceful. Whip-poor-wills calling every evening, deer in the back yard every early morning, and so many beautiful song birds to keep me company.
Our Pomeranian, Jewel, is fascinated by all the smells of "wild beasts" every time she goes out to do her business. First she must sniff and bark as if the critters were still there. Then she settles down to think about the task at hand.
We have a worker coming to clear off the back acreage so we can get a pasture going for the future horse. Have to get his/her home all set up before we then begin to scout for that perfect addition to our family.
Even out here in the country I had to stop and assist a slow moving turtle across the road. I think it doesn't matter where they live, they al
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